Film Opening Research #1 - Spider-Man: Far From Home (2018)


How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?

-There was one title and that was giving you the location of where this movie was starting.

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?

-There were images of houses in ruble, and everything was torn apart, debris everywhere indicating that something happened.

What connotations do the images carry?

-This is creating the connotation that something or someone created this destruction, and the scene also indicates that they do not know what did this. That is why two people went to go check it out and as they get there you are introduced to the potential character that did this destruction.

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?

-There is a new character who you are going to find out more about as the film goes on, with adventure films it will usually have a character who will be finding themselves and it will have fighting and action which it is already showing you. You know from the first scene that you are going to go on an adventure with the new characters.

How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?

-It cuts at this new character using their powers on this thing that is coming out of the ground, it leaves you with two new characters that you know nothing about.

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

-People wanted an energetic and captivating film, that is what they do they leave you wanting to figure out what is going to happen with the new characters and that all begins with a lively scene of someone using special powers.

How has technology been used effectively? You might want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques.

-The first clip shows a car moving quickly through a desolate terrain, the camera angle is high up and is angled downward, then it levels out with the car, and you watch the characters exit the vehicle. They then approach a man in a green suit, the camera then focuses on him, and you get a viewpoint from this mysterious creature coming from the ground as the man shoots green out of his hands. It ends with a quick capture of the creature coming from the ground. It was all one take and you get many different camera angles through every event.


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