Week 3: Comments

Mia's Blog

In her extreme close up shot you feel like you can see the emotion in her eyes, it makes you almost feel the heat of the sun on her face. With this shot it is trying to express the actors emotions into a short close up clip. 

In the extreme long shot you are taking in the entirety of the landscape. It is more so giving you a image of what the environment is like within the film. 

In the high angle shot you feel the tension of the person above you can see more then what the person on the bottom sees giving you an advantage. 

Carson's Blog

In the POV you are seeing things from the persons actual view, and when he is shaking the other persons hand it is almost like you are about to shake his hand too. It makes you feel very present. 

In the pan shot you are getting the full effect of the situation you can actual see the whole exchange and you shown both sides of the exchange giving you a fuller effect of everything. 

In the reaction shot you have action and you can see in the actors face what they are going through and in Carson's clip you saw the fear in the actors face when he fell. 


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