Five Master Edits with Sound
I added music to the first scene as it was a transitional scene from the pi symbol to the actual pie and it the music just added some more depth to the clip.
In the first scene I added the roaring indicating that it was a fight and we were mad at each other, then in the next scene I added a voice over to give the audience a explanation of the first scene and then to the scene that you were seeing currently.
With this post synchronization dubbing you are experiencing the craziness and stressfulness of Mia studying and working hard, it then goes to Loren sleeping and having an empty mind, it isn't busy it just blank. That goes back an forth giving the effect of the chaos and the calmness.
Synchronous is representing the bubbles from one clip to the next and you go from the little container of water to the large pool and with the sound effects it makes you think of water and being underwater.
Leit Motif
The music is kept in the clip so that would be direct sounds.
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